The Colburn School, Federal Taxpayer I.D. #95-2501387, is a not-for-profit entity as defined under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and we are equipped to receive donations through a variety of channels. Contributions made to the Colburn School are deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please review below for common ways that the Colburn School receives donations, and please call the Philanthropy Office at 213-621-4535 with questions about any other ways to support our mission.
To make a gift via check, please mail your envelope with this form to the Philanthropy Office at the address below.
Philanthropy Office Colburn School 200 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90012
Important year-end information: For tax-deductible gifts, the IRS requires that gifts by check be mailed and postmarked in the year the gift is to be counted; gifts by credit card must be mailed, received, and the credit card processed in the year the gift is to be counted. Please make sure to send your gift with enough time for us to process it by calendar year-end. Call Philanthropy with any questions, 213-621-4535.
To make a gift via phone, please call the Philanthropy Office at 213-621-4535 for further assistance. Whether it is to join the Colburn Society, make a gift to in honor of someone special, or provide support for a specific unit of the School, we are happy to help you.
Please complete this form and mail or email it to the Philanthropy Office at along with a copy of your correspondence with your banker regarding this gift.
To make a wire transfer to the Colburn School, please provide your bank with the information on this form. For assistance with this process, please contact us at or call 213-621-4535.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Colburn School may receive gifts through Donor Advised Funds or IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions. Please provide our Federal Taxpayer I.D. #95-2501387 when speaking to your financial advisor about your gift.
Thank you for considering the Colburn School in your charitable giving!