Record on the Road Los Angeles 2023 Presents: Editorial Symposium–LA's Changing Cultural Landscape

Record on the Road Los Angeles 2023 Presents: Editorial Symposium–LA’s Changing Cultural Landscape

Monday, November 13, 2023
6 pm

Thayer Hall

Free admission for architects and design professionals


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This Fall, the Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Frank Gehry-designed home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, celebrates its 20th anniversary. That project, with others presented during this event, was a catalyst in reshaping the city’s artistic scene since the turn of this century. This Record on the Road in Los Angeles will look at the economic, social, and cultural impact of arts buildings on various neighborhoods. We’ll examine recent projects and those under construction across the city—from the small scale to the behemoth. Speakers include Michael Maltzan, whose decades-long intervention at the Hammer Museum completed earlier this year. Sharon Johnston will talk about her firm’s interventions in former industrial spaces. Sandra Jackson-Dumont, Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, will discuss the Herculean task of building that 300,000-square-foot museum and adjacent park. Sel Kardan, who leads The Colburn School, will introduce the Gehry-designed expansion to his campus, just across from the Disney Concert Hall. We’ll learn from both the architects and cultural leaders overseeing these major building projects what they see for the future of these cultural buildings and the city of Los Angeles. This program has been submitted for 2.25 AIA LU | HSW.

This event is complimentary for architects and design professionals thanks to our sponsors.