Sequential Curriculum

We’ve created the Early Childhood curriculum to follow an age-appropriate sequence to help students prosper as they develop.

Our specially trained instructors work with parents and infants to cultivate developmental listening skills with activities to help children absorb music concepts. Teachers design sensory experiences to fascinate and captivate children. As classes progress, infants move from being merely receptive to engaging in an active role.

Instructor Ages Dates Days Times Fees
Nita Baxani 0yr 7mo - 1yr 5mo 08/24 - 12/14 Sa 11:00 am - 11:40 am $580.00
Instructor Ages Dates Days Times Fees
Sarita Gutierrez 0yr 7mo - 1yr 5mo 09/08 - 12/15 Su 10:00 am - 10:40 am $580.00
Instructor Ages Dates Days Times Fees
Sarita Gutierrez 0yr 7mo - 1yr 5mo 09/03 - 12/17 Tu 11:40 am - 12:20 pm $580.00

This family-oriented class encourages toddlers to become actively engaged in making music. Through the use of nursery poems and songs, children explore various musical traditions and styles.


Instructor Ages Dates Days Times Fees
Sarita Gutierrez 1yr 6mo - 2yr 09/07 - 12/14 Sa 09:00 am - 09:40 am $580.00
Instructor Ages Dates Days Times Fees
Melissa Frey 1yr 6mo - 2yr 08/25 - 12/15 Su 10:30 am - 11:10 am $580.00

As toddlers gain more motor development skills, they’re more likely to want to move, and this class encourages them to explore movement through music and imagination. Teachers also work with the young students to improve listening skills through play, songs, stories, and games. 

Our talented faculty brings nursery rhymes, make-believe stories, and folk tales to life in this class designed for two- and three-year-old children. With the aid of props and small percussion instruments, teachers and students create theatrical experiences through storytelling.

Each week, students experience a musical adventure, with singing, movement, and drama. Oftentimes, the children use small props and percussion instruments to enhance performances.

Students are treated to games and stories that will trigger their imagination, individual expression, and language skills. They engage in exercises to develop body awareness, concentration, group cooperation, coordination, and balance. Activities utilize rhythmic verbalization, pantomime, dramatic play, and creative movement.

Multi-cultural seasonal themes and festivals are the highlight of this class. Songs are chosen to reflect different celebrations around the world.

Super Singers begin working on vocal techniques through games, songs, and stories. Our knowledgeable teachers help students produce good tone quality and improve diction as well as correct vocal placement and singing in the proper register. They also introduce basic elements of music, such as tempo, dynamics, rhythm, phrasing, timbre, and style.

Instructor Ages Dates Days Times Fees
Sarita Gutierrez 3yr 6mo - 5yr 09/07 - 12/14 Sa 12:45 pm - 01:30 pm $615.00
Instructor Ages Dates Days Times Fees
Nita Baxani 3yr 6mo - 5yr 08/24 - 12/14 Sa 02:30 pm - 03:15 pm $615.00

The class provides musical experiences in the development of motor and ear-training skills, hand-eye coordination, a sense of keyboard geography, finger dexterity, and concentration.  This course offers pre-reading exercises to develop the child’s keyboard sense.  Students must have access to an acoustic piano or keyboard for daily practice.

Instructor Ages Dates Days Times Fees
Francesca Bori 4yr - 5yr 08/24 - 12/14 Sa 09:15 am - 09:50 am $565.00

Rhythm helps give movement purpose. In this class, preschool-age children learn to direct their energy into basic rhythms and rhythmic patterns while also improving listening and motor skills. They’re also shown proper playing techniques for small percussion instruments used in classroom exercises.

Pre-requisite: Students must complete Super Singers before enrolling in this class.

Classes are designed to initiate instrument instruction with a concentration on various rhythmic styles and techniques on Orff and percussion instruments. Teachers work with students to improve muscle and hand-eye coordination as well as a growing awareness of rhythmic and melodic patterns. Students even begin rhythmic notation reading. Creativity is promoted through improvisation activities.

Pre-reqs : Rhythm and Movement AND either Super Singers or Sing a Song of Seasons and Celebrations)

Classes are designed to initiate instrument instruction with a concentration on various rhythmic styles and techniques on Orff and percussion instruments. Teachers work with students to improve muscle and hand-eye coordination as well as a growing awareness of rhythmic and melodic patterns. Students even begin rhythmic notation reading. Creativity is promoted through improvisation activities.

Pre-requisite: Rhythmic Styles and Tech I

Colburn’s Early Childhood Program