The Colburn Community School of Performing Arts is excited to announce the inaugural session of the Los Angeles Honor Band on July 12–14! This ensemble will give advanced woodwind, brass, and percussion students in grades 7–12 the opportunity to build their musical, technical, and ensemble skills. Students will learn and perform challenging repertoire under the direction of Colburn’s Director of Bands, Eleanor Núñez, and participate in sectionals coached by Colburn’s esteemed faculty. Special guest, John Mackey, American composer, will be addressing the students on July 14!
Schedule July 12–14, 9 am–5 pm
Age Range Grades 7–12
Faculty Eleanor Núñez, Director John Mackey, Special Guest John Hallberg Karen Lundgren Kenneth McGrath Danielle Ondarza Ted Sugata
Student Requirements Open to woodwind, brass, and percussion students who play at an advanced level.
Tuition and Fees
Residential fees (optional)
All applicants must submit a complete application and audition video.
Audition Requirements Submit a high-quality video of the following:
Audition Excerpts
Application Deadlines
Apply Now
Summer Music Camps