
Voice Faculty
Jessie is passionate for Vocal Rehabilitation and Trauma informed Holistic Teaching. She has collaborated with Speech Pathologists to create warm-ups and practices for wellness for the singing actor.
Horn Faculty
Danielle Ondarza is a horn player based in Los Angeles. As a freelancer, she has performed with many orchestras in Southern California, including the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, and Los Angeles Master Chorale, as well as concert series and festivals such as Jacaranda and Hear Now.
Early Childhood Faculty
Before coming to Colburn, she trained as an early childhood music facilitator with Music Together in New York City, worked a music teaching mentor for the Thornton Community Engagement Program at the University of Southern California, and co-facilitated a music appreciation group for hard-of-hearing adults at the Bionic Ear Lab within the Keck School of Medicine.
Sightreading Skills Instructor
Hye Jin Park envisions music as a powerful channel for empathy and connection, striving to communicate the composers’ intentions with sincerity.
Jeffrey Parola wearing a collared shirt and smiling in front of a window.
Music Theory Faculty
Jeffrey Parola is a composer whose works have been commissioned and performed throughout the US.
Angel Pennington smiling in front of a window. She is wearing a quartz crystal necklace.
Dance Instructor
Angel Pennington has studied tap extensively with Sam Weber, Denise Scheerer, and Chance Taylor.