
Trombone Faculty; Brass Chamber Music Faculty
David Rejano is the Principal Trombone of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, a position he began in 2016.
Piano Faculty
Yung-mee Rhee is an accomplished pianist and teacher, and adjudicator of the annual Southwestern Youth Music Festival and Music Teachers National Association Bartok Competition.
Visiting Artist, Trudl Zipper Dance Institute
One of the most celebrated dancers of her generation, Ms. Ringer has contributed to the field of dance in many ways.
Music Coordinator
Michael has appeared on numerous TV shows and the movie Six Weeks with Mary Tyler Moore. Michael has also played for Juliet Prowse, who endorsed his original dance record albums.
Humanities Faculty
Focuses on teaching that centers around rethinking the role of the arts in contemporary life
Music Theory and Ear Training Faculty
Dr. Brandon J. Rolle is a composer whose work fuses traditional methods with research in acoustics, psychoacoustics, and computer-assisted approaches to composition. He was a student of pioneering composers Pauline Oliveros at Mills College and Clarence Barlow at UC Santa Barbara.