
Flute Faculty
Dr. Chelsea Tanner maintains an active career as an enthusiastic performer, teacher, and mindset coach. She is currently Head of Flute and a teaching artist at tonebase.co as well as a Flute Faculty member at the Colburn Community School in Los Angeles.
Janie Taylor
2024-25 Artistic Director, Trudl Zipper Dance Institute
Janie Taylor is Artistic Director of Colburn's Trudl Zipper Dance Institute for the 2024-25 school year. A former New York City Ballet principal dancer, she is currently a dancer and rehearsal director for L.A. Dance Project.
Dr. Thabet has taught courses on the Civil Rights Movement, America in the 1960s, and 20th Century American History, most recently at Caltech in Pasadena, and U.C. Santa Barbara.
Artist in Residence
Jean-Yves Thibaudet has a lifelong passion for education and fostering young musical talent. He is the first-ever Artist-in-Residence at the Colburn School in Los Angeles, where he makes his home.
Katie Thiroux wearing a blouse, holding a bass, and smiling in front of a window.
Jazz Double Bass Faculty
Katie Thiroux has become a bold standard-bearer for the emerging generation of jazz singer/instrumentalists.
Tuba Faculty
Aaron Tindall is a frequent soloist, guest artist/clinician, and orchestral tubist throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. He has been featured at all of the International Tuba and Euphonium Conferences since 2006, performed in England with the National Champion Grimethorpe Colliery Brass Band, and his solo playing has been heard on NPR’s Performance Today.