
Flute Faculty
Dynamic soloist, legendary orchestral and studio musician, celebrated jazz flutist, and an inspiration to countless students worldwide
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Clarinet Faculty
Clarinetist William Wellwood received his MM from the Yale School of Music and his DMA from the University of Southern California. William H. Wellwood has performed in orchestras and chamber groups throughout the United States.
Viola Faculty
Dr. Minor Wetzel is passionate about teaching students of all levels. It is his goal to help each student find their innate gifts, as well as their unique technical challenges, and to help put them on an upward trajectory of development as players and artists.”
Dance Instructor
Joseph has appeared as a performer and teacher in many tap and jazz dance festivals in Guatemala City, Stockholm, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Paris, Tokyo, Vilnius, Barcelona, and others.
Aaron Williams
Tap Dance Instructor
Aaron Williams is a virtuosic tap dancing multi-instrumentalist, trained in classical music, jazz, and rudimental percussion technique.
Trumpet Faculty
Associate Principal of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, whose practical experience and expertise has established Colburn as a dominant force in the trumpet community and has produced consistent, real-world success