
Violin Instructor
Sam Fischer, violinist, enjoys a versatile career as a performer, recording artist, and educator.
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Musical Theater Instructor
Lea Floden is a Los Angeles based actor, writer, director and acting coach.
Dr. Frane has also composed and produced music for film and audiobook soundtracks.
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Assistant Conductor, String Orchestra and String Ensemble
Rebecca Frazier is Assistant Conductor of the String Ensemble and String Orchestra at the Colburn Community School of Performing Arts.
Yuka Fukuda
Modern Dance Instructor
Yuka Fukuda, originally from Tokyo, Japan, trained at Tokyo Junior Ballet and Asami Maki Ballet Arts.
Early Childhood Instructor
Mrs. Gamboa first joined the Early Childhood faculty at the Colburn Community School of Performing Arts in the 2008, and was happy to return to teaching again at the Colburn School in 2016.