Special Collections

The Colburn School contains a number of special collections from distinguished performers and educators. Highlights include Gregor Piatigorsky archive, featuring the cellist’s personal music, correspondence, photos, and memorabilia, and the Theodore Lettvin Music Collection, containing the American pianist’s scores, complete with performance markings. Other notable collections include the Frances and Eleanor Meyers Chamber Music Collection and the Heller Audio and Video Collection. The recently acquired Herbert and Trudl Zipper Archives Collection is also housed at Colburn and is being reviewed and catalogued for future use.

As part of an effort to open up these collections and other library resources to the Colburn community, the School is in the early stages of planning for an updated physical space on campus that engages students, parents, faculty, and alumni. The School ultimately envisions a resource hub that brings together the archives, library collections, and the Center for Innovation and Community Impact in one space.

Gregor Piatigorsky Archive

Herbert and Trudl Zipper Archives Collection