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As a special donor in support of Colburn’s long-term vision through estate planning and endowment philanthropy, you are invited to an exclusive Inside Colburn event where we discuss the special joys and challenges that musicians, conductors, and technical teams face as they create and present a performance to a virtual audience. From repertoire selection and rehearsal strategy, to zero-latency audio and camera technology, this conversation and sneak peek of yet-to-be-released footage is sure to educate and inspire.
Featured Guests James Conlon, LA Opera Music Director Adam Millstein, Colburn Conservatory violinist Gallia Kastner, Colburn Conservatory violinist Fred Vogler, Sonos Audio Engineer
Host John Houlihan, Senior Vice President, Fox Music Inc.
The Ziering-Conlon Initiative for Recovered Voices mentioned in this conversation is an extraordinary Colburn resource that encourages greater awareness and more frequent performances of music by composers whose careers and lives were disrupted during the years of the Nazi regime in Europe.
To discover more about this Initiative and learn about exciting upcoming projects, we invite you to visit our website here.