Honors Program

"Throughout my many years in the chamber program, both of my coaches have not only been good instructors, but amazing coaches that have taught us things that aren’t simply about music but about approaching things in life, like collaboration, creating friendships, learning how to be dependable, and many more." Violinist Andrés Engleman

Program Overview

The Honors program is for serious and dedicated young musicians for whom music is the top priority. Time commitment is for a minimum of three hours of rehearsal and coaching weekly. In addition, there is a required Honors Chamber Music Seminar, held on Saturday afternoons. Honors groups have regular performing opportunities on the Friday Night, School and Honors Recitals and also in the greater community. All groups are encouraged to enter competitions and are expected to make the necessary preparations. Weekends must be kept open and flexible for frequent performances, masterclasses and competitions.  

Prior experience in chamber music is a requirement and preference will be given to students who have participated in the Colburn Chamber Music Program and Summer Chamber Music Intensive.  

All students who would like placement in the Honors Program must audition in the May/June audition period, regardless of whether or not they are currently in the CHMI and/or Honors program. Current students in the Honors Program are not guaranteed placement for the following year. The Honors program is open to strings, piano, woodwind and brass instruments. Harp, percussion and guitar can be considered in exceptional cases. Honors students receive a 50% scholarship for chamber music.  

Recommended Ages: must be 13 years old by September 1, 2024

Important Deadlines

Deadline extended! Applications are due by July 1.
Students will be informed of chamber ensemble decisions by August 1.
Students will be required to accept by submitting registration and payment by August 15. Late additions/alternates may be accepted up until the end of September, space permitting. 

Live auditions including sight reading will be held during the last week of August. 

2024–25 CHMI Application Form

Audition Requirements

For the first round of the audition, video submissions will be accepted in lieu of a live audition. These students may submit a video audition for the Chamber Music Institute, but note that they are still required to perform a live audition for the Advanced Orchestras.  

Please prepare two contrasting solo pieces (e.g. concerto, etude, or showpiece) – with or without an accompanist – that demonstrates technical and interpretive accomplishment. Students auditioning for the Advanced Orchestras may use their live audition in June in lieu of a video audition. These students must prepare one solo piece as well as the excerpts for their instrument which are linked below.  

The second round of the audition will take place during the last week of August and will include sight reading in addition to the prepared pieces. 

2024–25 CHMI Audition Excerpts

  • First, please record yourself playing the required repertoire, then upload the video to YouTube. 
  • Start your video by stating your full name and for which program(s) (Advanced Orchestras, Chamber Music, both) you are auditioning. 
  • Please name the file by the following format: First name Last Name.Instrument (for example, John Smith.Violin). 
  • When uploading the video to YouTube, make sure the video is marked unlisted or public. If you do not want the video to be public, marking it unlisted will not allow people to find the video, but will allow you to share the link with the Community School. 
  • The audition recording must be made continuously and without cuts. We want to see a true depiction of how well you can play. 
  • The video must be completed before you begin the application form, otherwise you will not be able to submit. 
  • Once you have completed your video, please fill out the application form. You will need the link to your YouTube video to complete the application form. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. 

Group Assignment 

Chamber groups are formed after auditions on the basis of performance level, age, and compatibility of personality and schedules. Chamber Music is a yearlong commitment and changes to any grouping is the prerogative of the director. Note that the number of students enrolled in the Ed and Mari Edelman Chamber Music Institute is limited; students studying privately at the Community School are given priority in assignments. Those admitted into the Chamber Music program will be required to attend a short orientation meeting at the beginning of the fall semester. 

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