All rehearsals will begin promptly at the posted time. Tuning will begin at the posted start time and you are expected to be properly warmed-up, have your instrument prepared, and be physically ready to play at that time. You are required to be in your seat no later than eight minutes prior to the start of any rehearsal. There will be a 15-minute break beginning no later than 90 minutes into any 2.5 hour rehearsal. Please plan accordingly
You are expected to attend all Colburn Orchestra rehearsals and concerts. When considering outside engagements, please remember that you are first and foremost a student at the Colburn School. Therefore, you are expected to treat all Colburn School activities—including the Colburn Orchestra—as your first priority. When very special opportunities arise, you should immediately check your schedule to see if these opportunities will create conflicts with the Colburn Orchestra schedule or any other Colburn commitment.
When a conflict arises: Obtain an Absence Request Form from the Conservatory Office.
Follow the steps noted in the Absence Policy as dictated in your student handbook. Failure to follow the policy and procedure may result in an unexcused absence and subsequent consequences.
Your applied/studio teacher is your primary advisor on these matters. Do not approach any of your other teachers about potential absences before obtaining your applied teacher’s consent.
Orchestra Parts Every effort will be made to have parts for the next concert program available immediately following any given Colburn Orchestra concert. In general, parts will be ready once seating assignments are posted. You will likely be notified by email if there is any delay or any special circumstances to the contrary. When ready, original and practice parts may be obtained from the Orchestra Library by appointment through email.
Winds, Brass, Percussion, Harp, Keyboards Please take only the parts assigned to you. Be aware that extra parts are not available, so please take care of your music (see “Your Responsibility” below).
Strings Players assigned to the outside chair of a stand (i.e. the one closer to the audience) may take the original part corresponding to the stand to which s/he has been assigned. Any player is welcome to take a practice copy if s/he would prefer to leave the original in the orchestra folder, to be laid out and collected by the librarian at each orchestra service.
Players assigned to the inside chair of a stand may take practice parts corresponding to their appropriate section. Practice parts may be obtained at any time until the performance day.
Orchestra Folders Orchestra folders (marked with school logo and instrument/stand indication) belong to the library. These are NOT to be used as your personal folders and are to remain with the library/librarian between rehearsals. Folders will be placed on your stand by a librarian 30 minutes prior to the start of any rehearsal and collected immediately following any rehearsal. They will be transported to all concert venues. By request, card stock folders are available from the Orchestra Library to help protect your parts when taken with you.
You are required to leave all parts and folders on your stand following all performances. Place your music inside the folder and close the folder at the conclusion of all rehearsals and performances. You will be held responsible for any lost, damaged or heavily marked parts.
Your Responsibility Responsibility for your folder, the music it contains, and/or practice parts rests entirely with you without exception (i.e., if you loan the part to someone else and s/he loses it, you will be responsible for its replacement, not the other student). You will be expected to replace lost or damaged parts at the full current market value (generally $35-$65 for Colburn owned music and approximately $65 each for rentals).
Attendance You must ensure that your parts are present for every rehearsal, even if you are absent. For example: If you are sick or have a pre-arranged sub, you are responsible for getting your music to the rehearsal on time. Do not expect the Orchestra Library to have an extra copy of your part.
Outside String Players If you have taken the original performance part for individual practice, it is common orchestral courtesy to return the parts to your stand/folder at least 10 minutes prior to the start of any service, so your stand partner has time to transfer any of their personal markings into the part before the rehearsal or performance begins.
All String Players Practice parts are not required at rehearsal; however, it’s a good idea to bring them in order to make note of any markings or bowing changes.
Marking Your Part Mark your published, “original” parts with pencil only, preferably #2, HB or softer. Do not scribble, mark with ink, highlight, tape, glue, staple, or cut parts. Practice parts may be unstapled, marked with ink, etc., but must still be returned after the concert. If you need help with difficult page turns, simply ask the librarian for assistance.
The Orchestra Library and Office is located in the 2nd floor of the Olive Building in room 266.
The collection housed in the Orchestra Library is non-circulating. That means that the music kept here is not available to be checked-out or borrowed for non-Colburn related performances.
However, practice parts or copies of audition excerpts can be made available for students upon request. These requests should be made in writing (email will suffice) and can take up to 3-5 days to fill. Please do not expect your request to be filled immediately. The library can only provide copies of works it has acquired. Many orchestras, summer festivals and schools are asking for excerpts from copyright protected works, but the Orchestra Library will not be able to provide these for you, due to restrictions under U.S. Copyright Law.
Any orchestra that includes a copyright-protected work on their audition list should provide the required excerpt to the applicant, upon request. Often, they will only provide this material upon receipt of your full application and deposit, so be sure to submit all required documentation (and payment, if required) before you request these copies.
As always, please mark your music with pencil only, preferably #2, HB or softer. Do not scribble, mark with pen, tape, glue, staple, or cut parts. Practice parts may be unstapled, marked with pen, etc., but must still be returned after use.