
Department: dance-academy

Ballet Instructor
Seth Belliston was trained at the Belliston Academy of Ballet and the School of American Ballet.
Chair, Modern and Creative Dance, Modern Dance Instructor
Tamsin Carlson is a graduate of the Arts Educational School, where she was awarded a college diploma, and London Contemporary Dance School, where she was awarded a diploma for her course work.
Dance Academy Faculty
Leslie danced the title roles in The NutcrackerSwan LakeCoppéliaGiselleThe Sleeping Beauty, and John Cranko’s Romeo and Juliet, as well as an extensive repertoire of the ballets of George Balanchine.
Katherine Cowgill wearing a blouse and smiling in front of a window. She has very long hair.
Ballet Instructor
Katherine Cowgill began her ballet training at Minnesota Dance Theater in Minneapolis under the training of Lise Houlton and Marjorie Thompson, learning a strong basis of classical ballet technique and contemporary dance.
Visiting Artist, Trudl Zipper Dance Institute
James Fayette has a deep understanding of how the employment of dancers is managed and is keenly sensitive to the needs and career concerns of professional artists.
Yuka Fukuda
Modern Dance Instructor
Yuka Fukuda, originally from Tokyo, Japan, trained at Tokyo Junior Ballet and Asami Maki Ballet Arts.