
Department: community-school

Joanna Lee holding a violin and smiling in front of a window.
Violin Faculty
Ms. Joanna Lee has performed throughout Korea, Japan, China, Europe, and the US.
Violist Teng Li
Viola Instructor
Teng Li is a diverse and dynamic performer internationally.
Jascha Heifetz Distinguished Violin Chair
Holds the Jascha Heifetz Distinguished Violin Chair at the Colburn School
Double Bass Faculty
One of America's leading orchestral and chamber music artists.
Flute Faculty and Wind, Brass and Percussion Chair
Karen Lundgren is the Chairman of the Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion Department, the flute instructor, and a chamber music coach at the Colburn Community School of Performing Arts.
Ivana Malo
Piano Faculty
Ms. Malo is dedicated to inspiring her students with a lifelong love of music and also a solid foundation to develop healthy technique and musicality.