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Ballet Instructor
Genevieve Labean Page is a former professional ballet dancer with the New York City Ballet, where she danced for nine years on stage and in televised performances in theaters around the world.
Cello Faculty
Benjamin Lash was a top prizewinner in multiple Chicago area competitions and is an avid chamber musician.
Community School Piano Chair, Conservatory Keyboard Skills for Non-Majors Faculty, Piano Faculty
Experience performing as both pianist and harpsichordist.
Shih Lan Liu holding a violin and smiling in front of a window.
Violin Faculty
ShihLan Lavner is a dedicated and dynamic violin educator.
Keyboard Skills Instructor
Chi-Jo Lee emerges as a multifaceted pianist, her performances and awards range from solo to chamber and contemporary music.
Joanna Lee holding a violin and smiling in front of a window.
Violin Faculty
Ms. Joanna Lee has performed throughout Korea, Japan, China, Europe, and the US.