
Bassoon Faculty, Conservatory Dean Emeritus, and Chair of Winds and Percussion
Richard Beene, Dean Emeritus of the Colburn Conservatory of Music, enjoys an active career as a teacher, soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral performer.
Movement for Musicians Instructor
Angelica Bell is a dance educator, performer, and choreographer.
TESOL Faculty
Bell hosts a quarterly salon for experimental artists and musicians in Los Angeles and regularly performs and presents work throughout the greater L.A. area.
Ballet Instructor
Seth Belliston was trained at the Belliston Academy of Ballet and the School of American Ballet.
Piano Faculty and Carol Colburn Grigor Piano Chair
One of the most important pianists and pedagogues who has won many top prizes worldwide
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Adult Ballet Instructor
A native of Cuba, Bertha danced professionally in principal roles for over 14 years/