
The Digital Musician Instructor
Gina has recorded on many projects including the Oscar-nominated score for Minari and Emmy-nominated scores for Planet Earth II and Chef’s Table. She was also the flute soloist on M3GAN, Arcane, Cobra Kai, Hellraiser, Locke & Key, Windfall, and League of Legends.
Flute Faculty and Wind, Brass and Percussion Chair
Karen Lundgren is the Chairman of the Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion Department, the flute instructor, and a chamber music coach at the Colburn Community School of Performing Arts.
Timothy Lynch
Ballet Instructor
Tim Lynch is the co-founder of Lynch Dance Institute in San Diego and a former Pacific Northwest Ballet member.
Ivana Malo
Piano Faculty
Ms. Malo is dedicated to inspiring her students with a lifelong love of music and also a solid foundation to develop healthy technique and musicality.
Advanced Master Class
Originally from Washington D.C., Leo Manzari is featured in two documentaries available for streaming: Maurice Hines’ Bring Them Back, and Leonard Soloway’s “Broadway.”
Music Theory Faculty
Recognized internationally for his contributions to new music