
Music Pedagogy
Dr. Yi’s research focus is on ethnic studies, culturally responsive pedagogy, and EDIA (equity, diversity, inclusion, and access) initiatives as they pertain to music performance and education.
Director of Conducting, Negaunee Conducting Program; Maestro Ernst H. Katz Chair of Conducting Studies
Esa-Pekka Salonen is Music Director of the San Francisco Symphony, Conductor Laureate of the Philharmonia Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, and Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra. As a member of the faculty of the Colburn School, he directs the pre-professional Negaunee Conducting Program and holds the Maestro Ernst H. Katz Chair of Conducting Studies.
Chair, Music Theory, Colburn Community School
Kathy Sawada has taught piano and music theory classes at the Colburn School’s Community School of Performing Arts since 1990.
White icon of person against gray background
Ballet Instructor
Sayeg was a principal dancer with State Street Ballet and Smuin Ballet, dancing title roles of Carmen, Medea, Petit Mort and originated Trey McIntyre’s Oh Inverted World!.
Amy Schadt smiling in front of a window.
Tap and Musical Theater Instructor
Amy Schadt is an established dancer, choreographer, and teacher who has worked with Hama and the late Claude Thompson, and was lead dancer in various Jazz Dance LA productions.
Chair, Tap and Musical Theater
In Seattle, Denise Scheerer founded and performed with That’s Jazz, a Seattle-based jazz dance company.