
Violin Faculty
Margaret Shimizu has been a full-time faculty member at the Colburn School’s Community School of Performing Arts since 1984.
Moni Simeonov
Chair, Ed and Mari Edelman Chamber Music Institute
A native of Bulgaria, Moni Simeonov began playing the violin at age 5, and ten years later, came to the United States on a full scholarship to the Idyllwild Arts Academy in California.
Assistant Director, Big Band; Jazz Trumpet Faculty
From the small clubs of Los Angeles, to the recording studios, to the Hollywood Bowl, and even the grass at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Dr. Simonsen’s trumpet and music can be heard pleasing audiences of every size and demographic.
Chair, Ballet
Kelly Ann Sloan has been Ballet Chair of the Colburn Community School of Performing Arts since 2014. She began her ballet training at the New Jersey School of Ballet, and then attended Indiana University School of Music where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Ballet and Outside Field in Journalism.
Library Director, Director of Academic Programs
Colburn Conservatory of Music's Library Director and Director of Academic Programs
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Choral Instructor
Leeav Sofer is a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer/arranger, music director and teaching artist with a performance degree in clarinet and voice from the Bob Cole Conservatory of California State University of Long Beach.