
Retired Violin, Viola, and Chamber Music Coach
Retired Colburn School Violin, Viola, and Chamber Music Coach
Chair, Voice Department, Voice Faculty, Musical Theater Faculty
Mr. Stevens teaches at the Colburn Community School of Performing Arts, where he has been Chair of the Voice Department since 2008.
Elizabeth Stoyanovich
Director of Bands
Hailed as a charismatic and outstanding conductor, Elizabeth Stoyanovich served for 12 seasons as Music/Artistic Director of the Orchestra of Saint Cecilia.
Ted Sugata holding an oboe and smiling in front of a window. He is wearing glasses.
Oboe Faculty
A native of Southern California, Ted Sugata is currently second oboist with the Pacific Symphony Orchestra. Previously, he was a member of the Sarasota Orchestra in Florida, and principal oboist with the Lyrique-en-Mer Opera Festival in Belle-Ile, France.
Melinda Sullivan smiling in front of a window.
Tap Dance Instructor
Melinda Sullivan is a Los Angeles-based artist with a diverse career in dance, television, and theater.
White icon of person against gray background
Trombone Faculty
As an active freelance musician in Southern California, Ms. Suminski has performed with many local orchestras and musical theater companies in the region and with the Macao Orchestra in China.