
Department: youth-dance-programs

Dance Academy Faculty
Charlie Hodges is one of the Colburn Dance Academy’s inaugural faculty members.
Dance Academy Faculty
Zippora Karz is a former soloist ballerina with the New York City Ballet where she performed for 16 years on stage and in televised performances.
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Ballet Instructor
Ms. Karz Rapoport has 30 years of teaching and choreographing experience for ballet students of all ages, and holds a certification as a yoga instructor as well.
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Ballet Instructor
Genevieve Labean Page is a former professional ballet dancer with the New York City Ballet, where she danced for nine years on stage and in televised performances in theaters around the world.
Dance Faculty
Jill Nunes Jensen has instructed courses in dance history, ballet technique, dance as social action, choreography, and serves as a senior thesis mentor. For years, her research has been the primary scholarship on Alonzo King LINES Ballet and she has presented on the company internationally.
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Ballet Instructor
Sayeg was a principal dancer with State Street Ballet and Smuin Ballet, dancing title roles of Carmen, Medea, Petit Mort and originated Trey McIntyre’s Oh Inverted World!.