
Suzuki Cello Instructor
Carlyn teaches students of all ages in Los Angeles and online with students across the globe. She has previously served on the faculties of the College of Wooster, Washington College, Holy Names University Preparatory Division, as Department Head of Strings at The Music Settlement, and as a teaching artist for the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony.
Dance Academy Faculty
Leslie danced the title roles in The NutcrackerSwan LakeCoppéliaGiselleThe Sleeping Beauty, and John Cranko’s Romeo and Juliet, as well as an extensive repertoire of the ballets of George Balanchine.
Violin and Viola Faculty
Cha has taught at universities including Pepperdine University, California Lutheran University, and Idaho State University as an Assistant Professor of Music. She studied violin with Hyo Kang, Masuko Ushioda, Charles Castleman, and Chee-Yun Kim, and she was a Teaching Assistant of Charles Castleman at the Eastman School of Music.
Conservatory Faculty
Composer, lyricist, pianist, radio producer and host of Classical KUSC, Los Angeles
Piano Faculty
A native of St. Louis, Dominic has performed with orchestras all the world and is still committed to engaging with his surrounding community.
Cello Instructor
Stella earned her Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees with honors at the respected Gregor Piatigorsky Studio at USC’s Thornton School of Music under Ralph Kirshbaum and furthered her studies at the New England Conservatory with Laurence Lesser.