
Dean Lee Cioppa
Dean, Conservatory of Music
An experienced arts and higher education administrator, Lee Cioppa has combined a commitment to data-driven decision making with a passion for collaboration and innovation throughout her career.
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Ballet Instructor
Janet is a California native with more than 30 years of performance, commercial, choreographic, and teaching experience.
Violin Faculty
First Associate Concertmaster of the Los Angeles Philharmonic
Viola Instructor
A dedicated educator, Ms. Coletti teaches viola at Colburn's Community School of Performing Arts and Music Academy.
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Dance Accompanist
M.F.A. and B.F.A., Music Performance Drum Set and World Percussion, California Institute of the Arts. Started playing drums at age eleven and began Classical Percussion lessons at age 16.
Dean, Community School of Performing Arts
Leader with over 25 years of experience, who embraces a collaborative approach to management and is committed to building and maintaining musical communities