
Katherine Cowgill wearing a blouse and smiling in front of a window. She has very long hair.
Ballet Instructor
Katherine Cowgill began her ballet training at Minnesota Dance Theater in Minneapolis under the training of Lise Houlton and Marjorie Thompson, learning a strong basis of classical ballet technique and contemporary dance.
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Music Pedagogy Faculty
Trumpeter Ryan Darke enjoys a diverse career as a performer and educator.
Piano Faculty
Pianist Teresa de Jong Pombo has performed throughout Austria, Italy, Colombia, and the United States.
Drama Instructor
Debbie Devine has been an award-winning theatre director, teacher, and a respected leader in the field of Arts Education for over three decades.
Victoria Dobson in a denim jacket smiling in front of a window.
Creative Dance Instructor
Victoria is a dancer, teacher, and creator of the podcast Dance With Teachers.
Piano Faculty
Israeli pianist Rina Dokshitsky gave her first solo appearance at age 13, performing Mendelssohn’s Piano Concerto No. 1 with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.