
Adrian Dunn Voice Faculty
Director of Choral Programs, Voice Faculty
In 2021 Mr. Dunn won the American Prize in Composition for "Requiem" from The Mass for the Unarmed Child and was named in the Top 10 Classical Music and Jazz performances of 2021 by the Chicago Tribune.
ESOL Instructor
Jessica earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of California, Los Angeles, and her Master of Arts degree in Teaching English as a Second Language from California State University, Northridge, she has cultivated a deep understanding of language acquisition and pedagogy.
Music Theory and Aural Skills Faculty
Michaela Eremiasova (composer, educator, songwriter, producer), is a receiver of the ASCAP Foundation Rudolf Nissim Prize among various other music awards.
Piano Faculty
Highly regarded teacher, chamber music coach and adjudicator whose students have won numerous competitions
Staff Accompanist, Chamber Music Instructor, Music Academy
Dr. Vivian Fan coaches chamber music and coordinates collaborative pianists at the Colburn Conservatory of Music.
Visiting Artist, Trudl Zipper Dance Institute
James Fayette has a deep understanding of how the employment of dancers is managed and is keenly sensitive to the needs and career concerns of professional artists.