
Department: community-school

Violin Faculty
Ms. Kennedy holds a Masters degree in violin performance from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where she studied with Pamela Frank and Ani Kavafian, and a BM from the University of Southern California with Robert Lipsett.
Suzuki Cello Instructor
Martha has taught at Suzuki schools in Hong Kong, Toronto, Boston, Utah, and Virginia.
Violin Faculty
Ms. Kim has embarked upon a multifaceted career, active as a soloist, chamber and orchestral musician, and teacher.
Keyboard Harmony Instructor
Eloise has won numerous awards, including grand-prize of the Pinault International Piano Competition where she had her Carnegie Weill Recital Hall debut at age 11, semi-finalist of the Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition, and finalist of the New York International Piano Competition. Kim won top prizes in the Lennox, Kingsville, WPPC (dedicated to Leon Fleisher), and Jefferson Young Artists International piano competitions.
Headshot of Fabiola Kim holding a violin in front of window
Violin Instructor
Hailed by The New York Times as “a brilliant soloist, … [who] played with extraordinary precision and luminosity,” violinist Fabiola Kim is one of the most dynamic players of her generation.
Piano Faculty
Praised by critics for her “passionate…polished and expressive” performances, pianist HyeJin Kim is one of South Korea’s most thrilling young classical stars.