NKODA Digital Scores Please login to create your account by clicking on “get started” followed by “Sign up via email.” Enter your information and click “Sign up” You will then receive a prompt to Continue as a member of Colburn School. Click “yes.” Once your registration is complete you can login from any device while on campus.
Oxford Dictionary of Western Music by Richard Taruskin Richard Taruskin, a renowned musicologist, has compiled this unparalleled account of the evolution of Western classical music.
New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Oxford Music Online) In addition to the Oxford Dictionary of Music and the Oxford Companion to Music, this resource includes the New Grove Dictionary of Opera and New Grove Dictionary of Jazz
Music Periodicals Database (full text) You’ll find more than 400,000 entries of articles, obituaries, book and music reviews from 1999 to present. IIMP is available on campus by clicking on the title link, or off campus using the user name and password.
IPA Source Largest library of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and literal translations
Orchestral Music Online This resource grants students access to information on more than 6,700 works by 900 composers.
IMSLP Petrucci Music Library Online database of public domain scores and parts for download.
JSTOR Arts and Science (full text) JSTOR is an archival database covering full runs of journal titles in full text for the past three to five years.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (abstracts) This collection of more than 350,000 entries archives articles, reviews, books, bibliographies, conference proceedings, dissertations, and Festschriten since 1967.
Dance in Video Here’s a comprehensive video series (500 hours) of dance productions and documentaries of some of the most influential performers and dance companies of the last century. Choose from ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental, and improvisational dance. Dance in Video is available on campus by clicking on the title link, or off campus using the user name and password.
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Foundation Grants to Individuals A database of funding sources for individuals in all disciplines.
Musical America Stay abreast of industry happenings through a collection of industry news and performance reviews. You’ll also be able to find information about different artists and management.
Encyclopedia Britannica
While on the Colburn School campus, you can pull up a variety of streaming audio files from these online resources. Remote access is also available for certain resources.
Digital Concert Hall—Berlin Philharmonic Watch concerts from the Berlin Philharmonic in high definition, including live broadcasts. Or, pull up one from the hundreds of archived performances. There are also fascinating documentaries and bonus films.
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Medici.tv Enjoy free concerts, operas, and ballets of some of our greatest artists without leaving campus. Via medici.tv, students can watch live events for a limited time. The streaming website broadcasts hundreds of classical music events from more than 180 countries.
Met Opera on Demand: Student Access Access to more than 600 full-length Metropolitan Opera performances with the online streaming database for college and university libraries.
DRAM DRAM stands for Database of Recorded American Music, and is an expansive reservoir of audio recordings, liner notes, and essays from New World, Composers Recordings, and other labels.
NAXOS Music Library One of the most comprehensive online libraries of classical music, the NAXOS Music Library boasts hundreds of labels and titles, some dating back to medieval times. There’s also modern, jazz, and electronic world music entries, and it’s continually updated, adding hundreds of CDs every year.
Saline Royale Academy The Saline Royale Academy website contains over 550 master class videos with world-class teachers, accompanied by in-depth analyses of each work, annotated downloadable sheet music, and the ability to chose the viewing angle of either the teacher or student. New high-definition masterclasses are added each month.
Smithsonian Global Sound Students can log into the Smithsonian Folkways record archive of musical and aural traditions from around the world.
American Song Travel back in time through the American Song historical database of music. You’ll find songs detailing the experiences of American Indians, miners, immigrants, slaves, children, pioneers, and cowboys. Songs in this collection also express the sounds the Civil Rights movement, political campaigns, Prohibition, the Civil and Revolutionary Wars as well as anti-war protests. American Song is available on campus by clicking on the title link, or off campus using the user name and password.
Library of Congress National Jukebox The Library of Congress created the National Jukebox to make recordings available to the public free of charge. Among the selections is the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation.
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